- Draws lines on Diablo II window which points to warp objects (see next section)
- Writes serverip
- Reveals current act when hotkey is pressed
- Xp Counter
- Displays playerstats like fcr, ias etc.
- Chicken
- Logs ingame messages in a seperate file "Messages", and notifies you if something happens ingame, and your Diablo II isn't active.
- Opens multiple instances of Diablo
- Remembers game and pass of the previous game and writes under the "game" and "pass" sections when you're @ "Join Game" screen.
- Item lvl reader.
- Ingame counter
- Copies any item selected in Diablo II to clipboard (press CTRL+C)
- Traps mouse inside the Diablo II screen.
~ Coded by Shaggi : Thanks to Blizzhackers